There are Two Types of Hidayah (Guidance)

Huda here means the faith that resides in the heart, and only Allah is able to create it in the heart of the servants. Allah said,

﴿Åöäøóßó áÇó ÊóåúÏöì ãóäú ÃóÍúÈóÈúÊó﴾

(Verily, you (O Muhammad ) guide not whom you like) (28:56),

﴿áøóíúÓó Úóáóíúßó åõÏóÇåõãú﴾

(Not upon you (Muhammad ) is their guidance) (2:272),

﴿ãóä íõÖúáöáö Çááøóåõ ÝóáÇó åóÇÏöíó áóåõ﴾

(Whomsoever Allah sends astray, none can guide him) (7:186), and,

﴿ãóä íóåúÏö Çááøóåõ Ýóåõæó ÇáúãõåúÊóÏö æóãóä íõÖúáöáú Ýóáóä ÊóÌöÏó áóåõ æóáöíøðÇ ãøõÑúÔöÏðÇ﴾

(He whom Allah guides, he is the rightly guided; but he whom He sends astray, for him you will find no Wali (guiding friend) to lead him (to the right path)) (18:17).

Huda also means to explain the truth, give direction and lead to it. Allah, the Exalted, said,

﴿æóÅöäøóßó áóÊóåúÏöì Åöáóì ÕöÑóØò ãøõÓúÊóÞöíãò﴾

(And verily, you (O Muhammad ) are indeed guiding (mankind) to the straight path (i.e. Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism)) (42: 52),

﴿Åöäøóãó ÃóäÊó ãõäÐöÑñ æóáößõáøö Þóæúãò åóÇÏò﴾

(You are only a warner, and to every people there is a guide) (13:7), and,

﴿æóÃóãøóÇ ËóãõæÏõ ÝóåóÏóíúäóÜåõãú ÝóÇÓúÊóÍóÈøõæÇú ÇáúÚóãóì Úóáóì ÇáúåõÏóì﴾

(And as for Thamud, We showed and made clear to them the path of truth (Islamic Monotheism) through Our Messenger (i.e. showed them the way of success), but they preferred blindness to guidance) (41:17).

testifying to this meaning.

Also, Allah said,

﴿æóåóÏóíúäóÜåõ ÇáäøóÌúÏóíäö ﴾

(And shown him the two ways (good and evil).) (90:10)

This is the view of the scholars who said that the two ways refer to the paths of righteousness and evil, which is also the correct explanation. And Allah knows best.

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