The Judge's Ruling does not allow the Prohibited or prohibit the Lawful

It is reported in the Two Sahihs that Umm Salamah narrated that Allah's Messenger said:

«ÃóáóÇ ÅöäøóãóÇ ÃóäóÇ ÈóÔóÑñ¡ æóÅöäøóãóÇ íóÃúÊöíäöí ÇáúÎóÕúãõ¡ ÝóáóÚóáøó ÈóÚúÖóßõãú Ãóäú íóßõæäó ÃóáúÍóäó ÈöÍõÌøóÊöåö ãöäú ÈóÚúÖò ÝóÃóÞúÖöíó áóåõ¡ Ýóãóäú ÞóÖóíúÊõ áóåõ ÈöÍóÞøö ãõÓúáöãò ÝóÅöäøóãóÇ åöíó ÞöØúÚóÉñ ãöäú äóÇÑò¡ ÝóáúíóÍúãöáúåóÇ Ãóæú áöíóÐóÑúåóÇ»

(I am only human! You people present your cases to me, and as some of you may be more eloquent and persuasive in presenting his argument, I might issue a judgment in his benefit. So, if I give a Muslim's right to another, I am really giving him a piece of fire; so he should not take it.)

The Ayah and the Hadith prove that the judgment of the authorities in any case does not change the reality of the truth. Hence, the ruling does not allow what is in fact prohibited or prohibit what is in fact allowed. It is only applicable in that case. So if the ruling agrees with the truth, then there is no harm in this case. Otherwise, the judge will acquire his reward, while the cheater will acquire the evil burden.

This is why Allah said:

﴿æóáÇó ÊóÃúßõáõæÇú Ãóãúæóáóßõãú Èóíúäóßõã ÈöÇáúÈóÇØöáö æóÊõÏúáõæÇú Èöåó Åöáóì ÇáúÍõßøóÇãö áöÊóÃúßõáõæÇú ÝóÑöíÞðÇ ãøöäú ÃóãúæóÇáö ÇáäøóÇÓö ÈöÇáÅöËúãö æóÃóäÊõãú ÊóÚúáóãõæäó ﴾

(And eat up not one another's property unjustly, nor give bribery to the rulers (judges before presenting your cases) that you may knowingly eat up a part of the property of others sinfully.) meaning, `While you know the falsehood of what you claim. ' Qatadah said, "O son of Adam! Know that the judge's ruling does not allow you what is prohibited or prohibit you from what is allowed. The judge only rules according to his best judgment and according to the testimony of the witnesses. The judge is only human and is bound to make mistakes. Know that if the judge erroneously rules in some one's favor, then that person will still encounter the dispute when the disputing parties meet Allah on the Day of Resurrection. Then, the unjust person will be judged swiftly and precisely with that which will surpass whatever he acquired by the erroneous judgment he received in the life of this world.''

﴿íóÓúÜóáõæäóßó Úóäö ÇáÃóåöáøóÉö Þõáú åöìó ãóæóÇÞöíÊõ áöáäøóÇÓö æóÇáúÍóÌøö æóáóíúÓó ÇáúÈöÑøõ ÈöÃóä ÊóÃúÊõæÇú ÇáúÈõíõæÊó ãöä ÙõåõæÑöåóÇ æóáóÜßöäøó ÇáúÈöÑøó ãóäö ÇÊøóÞóì æóÃúÊõæÇú ÇáúÈõíõæÊó ãöäú ÃóÈúæóÈöåóÇ æóÇÊøóÞõæÇú Çááøóåó áóÚóáøóßõãú ÊõÝúáöÍõæäó ﴾

(189. They ask you (O Muhammad) about the crescents. Say: "These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage.'' It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc.) that you enter the houses from the back, but Al-Birr is from Taqwa. So enter houses through their proper doors, and have Taqwa of Allah that you may be successful.)

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