Allah accepts the Invocation

Imam Ahmad also recorded Abu Sa`id saying that the Prophet said:

«ãóÇ ãöäú ãõÓúáöãò íóÏúÚõæ Çááåó ÚóÒøó æóÌóáøó ÈöÏóÚúæóÉò áóíúÓó ÝöíåÇ ÅöËúãñ æáóÇ ÞóØöíÚóÉõ ÑóÍöãò¡ ÅáøóÇ ÃóÚúØóÇåõ Çááåõ ÈöåóÇ ÅöÍúÏóì ËóáóÇËö ÎöÕóÇáò: ÅöãøóÇ Ãóäú íõÚóÌøöá áóåõ ÏóÚúæóÊóåõ¡ æóÅöãøóÇ Ãóäú íóÏøóÎöÑóåóÇ áóåõ Ýöí ÇáÃõÎúÑóì¡ æóÅöãøóÇ Ãóäú íóÕúÑöÝó Úóäúåõ ãöäó ÇáÓøõæÁö ãöËúáóåóÇ»

ÞóÇáõæÇ: ÅÐðÇ äõßúËöÑõ¿ ÞóÇáó:

«Çááåõ ÃóßúËóÑ»

(No Muslim supplicates to Allah with a Du`a that does not involve sin or cutting the relations of the womb, but Allah will grant him one of the three things. He will either hasten the response to his supplication, save it for him until the Hereafter, or would turn an equivalent amount of evil away from him.'') They said, "What if we were to recite more (Du`a).'' He said, (There is more with Allah.)

`Abdullah the son of Imam Ahmad recorded `Ubadah bin As-Samit saying that the Prophet said:

«ãóÇ Úóáì ÙóåúÑö ÇáÃóÑúÖö ãöäú ÑóÌõáò ãõÓúáöãò íóÏúÚõæ Çááåó ÚóÒøó æóÌóáøó ÈóÏóÚúæóÉò ÅöáøóÇ ÂÊóÇåõ Çááåõ ÅíøóÇåóÇ¡ Ãóæú ßóÝøó Úóäúåõ ãöäó ÇáÓøõæÁö ãöËúáóåóÇ ãóÇ áóãú íóÏúÚõ ÈöÅöËúãò Ãóæú ÞóØöíÚóÉö ÑóÍöã»

(There is no Muslim man on the face of the earth who supplicates to Allah but Allah would either grant it to him, or avert a harm from him of equal proportions, as long as his supplication does not involve sin or cutting the relations of the womb.) At-Tirmidhi recorded this Hadith.

Imam Malik recorded that Abu Hurayrah narrated that Allah's Messenger said:

«íõÓúÊóÌóÇÈõ áÃóÍóÏößõãú ãóÇáóãú íóÚúÌóáú¡ íóÞõæáõ: ÏóÚóæúÊõ Ýóáóãú íõÓúÊóÌóÈú áöí»

(One's supplication will be accepted as long as he does become get hasty and say, `I have supplicated but it has not been accepted from me.'')

This Hadith is recorded in the Two Sahihs from Malik, and this is the wording of Al-Bukhari.

Muslim recorded that the Prophet said:

«áÇ íóÒóÇáõ íõÓúÊóÌÇÈõ áöáúÚóÈúÏö ãóÇ áóãú íóÏúÚõ ÈöÅöËúã Ãóæú ÞóØöíÚóÉö ÑóÍöãò ãóÇ áóãú íóÓúÊóÚúÌöá»

Þöíóá: íóÇ ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö¡ æóãóÇ ÇáÇÓúÊöÚúÌóÇáõ¿ ÞóÇáó:

«íóÞõæáõ: ÞóÏú ÏóÚóæúÊõ æÞóÏú ÏóÚóæúÊõ¡ Ýóáóãú ÃóÑó íõÓúÊóÌóÇÈõ áöí¡ ÝóíóÓúÊóÍúÓöÑõ ÚöäúÏó Ðáößó æóíóÏóÚõ ÇáÏøõÚóÇÁ»

(The supplication of the servant will be accepted as long as he does not supplicate for what includes sin, or cutting the relations of the womb, and as long as he does not become hasty.) He was asked, "O Messenger of Allah! How does one become hasty'' He said, (He says, `I supplicated and supplicated, but I do not see that my supplication is being accepted from me.' He thus looses interest and abandons supplicating (to Allah).)

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