The Virtues of the Qur'an

Allah said:

﴿åõÏðì áøöáäøóÇÓö æóÈóíøöäóÜÊò ãøöäó ÇáúåõÏóì æóÇáúÝõÑúÞóÇäö﴾

(...a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong).)

Here Allah praised the Qur'an, which He revealed as guidance for the hearts of those who believe in it and adhere to its commands. Allah said:


(and clear proofs) meaning, as clear and unambiguous signs and unequivocal proof for those who understand them. These proofs testify to the truth of the Qur'an, its guidance, the opposite of misguidance, and how it guides to the straight path, the opposite of the wrong path, and the distinction between the truth and falsehood, and the permissible and the prohibited.

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