The Jews knew the Truth of the Prophet , but disbelieved in Him

Allah said next,

﴿æóÅöÐóÇ áóÞõæÇú ÇáøóÐöíäó ÁóÇãóäõæÇú ÞóÇáõæÇú ÁóÇãóäøóÇ æóÅöÐóÇ ÎóáÇó ÈóÚúÖõåõãú Åöáóì ÈóÚúÖò﴾

(And when they (Jews) meet those who believe (Muslims), they say, "We believe'', but when they meet one another in private..). Muhammad bin Ishaq reported that Ibn `Abbas commented,

﴿æóÅöÐóÇ áóÞõæÇú ÇáøóÐöíäó ÁóÇãóäõæÇú ÞóÇáõæÇ ÁóÇãóäøóÇ﴾

(And when they (Jews) meet those who believe (Muslims), they say, "We believe'') "They believe that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, `But he was only sent for you (Arabs)''' However, when they meet each other they say, "Do not convey the news about this Prophet to the Arabs, because you used to ask Allah to grant you victory over them when he came, but he was sent to them (not to you).'' Allah then revealed,

﴿æóÅöÐóÇ áóÞõæÇú ÇáøóÐöíäó ÁóÇãóäõæÇú ÞóÇáõæÇú ÁóÇãóäøóÇ æóÅöÐóÇ ÎóáÇó ÈóÚúÖõåõãú Åöáóì ÈóÚúÖò ÞóÇáõæÇú ÃóÊõÍóÏøöËõæäóåõã ÈöãóÇ ÝóÊóÍó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúßõãú áöíõÍóÂÌøõæßõã Èöåö ÚöäÏó ÑóÈøößõãú﴾

(And when they (Jews) meet those who believe (Muslims), they say, "We believe,'' but when they meet one another in private, they say, "Shall you (Jews) tell them (Muslims) what Allah has revealed to you, that they (Muslims) may argue with you (Jews) about it before your Lord'') meaning, "If you admit to them that he is a Prophet, knowing that Allah took the covenant from you to follow him, they will know that Muhammad is the Prophet that we were waiting for and whose coming we find foretold of in our Book. Therefore, do not believe in him and deny him.'' Allah said,

﴿ÃóæóáÇó íóÚúáóãõæäó Ãóäøó Çááøóåó íóÚúáóãõ ãóÇ íõÓöÑøõæäó æóãóÇ íõÚúáöäõæäó ﴾

(Know they (Jews) not that Allah knows what they conceal and what they reveal).

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "When the Jews met the believers they used to say, `We believe.' When they met each other, some of them would say, `Do not talk to the companions of Muhammad about what Allah has foretold in your Book, so that the news (that Muhammad is the Final Messenger) does not become a proof for them against you with your Lord, and, thus, you will win the dispute.''' Further, Abu Al-`Aliyah said about Allah's statement,

﴿ÃóæóáÇó íóÚúáóãõæäó Ãóäøó Çááøóåó íóÚúáóãõ ãóÇ íõÓöÑøõæäó æóãóÇ íõÚúáöäõæäó ﴾

(Know they (Jews) not that Allah knows what they conceal and what they reveal), "Meaning their secret denial and rejection of Muhammad, although they find his coming recorded in their Book.'' This is also the Tafsir of Qatadah. Al-Hasan commented on,

﴿Ãóäøó Çááøóåó íóÚúáóãõ ãóÇ íõÓöÑøõæäó﴾

(That Allah knows what they conceal), "What they concealed refers to when they were alone with each other away from the Companions of Muhammad . Then they would forbid each other from conveying the news that Allah revealed to them in their Book to the Companions of Muhammad , fearing that the Companions would use this news (about the truth of Muhammad ) against them before their Lord.''

﴿æóãóÇ íõÚúáöäõæäó﴾

(And what they reveal) meaning, when they said to the Companions of Muhammad ,


(We believe), as Abu Al-`Aliyah, Ar-Rabi` and Qatadah stated.

﴿æóãöäúåõãú Ãõãøöíøõæäó áÇó íóÚúáóãõæäó ÇáúßöÊóÜÈó ÅöáÇøó ÃóãóÇäöìøó æóÅöäú åõãú ÅöáÇøó íóÙõäøõæäó ﴾

﴿Ýóæóíúáñ áøöáøóÐöíäó íóßúÊõÈõæäó ÇáúßöÊóÜÈó ÈöÃóíúÏöíåöãú Ëõãøó íóÞõæáõæäó åóÜÐóÇ ãöäú ÚöäÏö Çááøóåö áöíóÔúÊóÑõæÇú Èöåö ËóãóäðÇ ÞóáöíáÇð Ýóæóíúáñ áøóåõãú ãøöãøóÇ ßóÊóÈóÊú ÃóíúÏöíåöãú æóæóíúáñ áøóåõãú ãøöãøóÇ íóßúÓöÈõæäó ﴾

(78. And there are among them (Jews) `Ummyyun (unlettered) people, who know not the Book, but they trust upon Amani (false desires) and they but guess.) (79. Then woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say, "This is from Allah,'' to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby.)

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